Learn about recent AIDCIM projects and how our 7 programs are making a difference.
News posts are updated weekly.
6.02.2020 | Kazakhstan
Ruth lives in the city of Ayagoz, Kazakhstan. She is 16, her parents are deaf-mute. Her father is a church member and mom is not. She has 4 siblings. Some time ago Ruth got sick and doctors had a hard time making a diagnosis. She spent a month in an infectious diseases hospital with suspected…
Dear Friends, Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Please accept the gratitude from our church for your support! We extend our sincere thanks to all brothers and sisters who participated in this project. Here is a brief report: we received $7400. We were able to help 24 families, purchased wood for 12 of these families to…
2.10.2018 | USA
A widow fellowship event was organized for widows in “Salvation” church (Edgewood, WA). Widows came from different areas of Salem, Vancouver and greater Seattle area. Attendance was less than expected, but we were ready to minister to them. The goal of this fellowship was to bring joy to their hearts, spend time and give them…
On September 1, about 200 children were gathered in Stepanakert from all regions of the Republic (mostly from non-Christian homes) for a summer Christian camp. Unfortunately, school backpacks were not purchased due to lack of funds, but small gifts with school supplies were given instead. Camp counselors met together that same day and came up…
A children’s camp took place in a village called Shushu, about 10 km from Stenapokert. We rented a children’s recreation center. There were two groups: first group from 7-12 year old children and the second from 12-16 years old. About 100 children signed up in each group. Earlier, about 10 years ago, there were difficulties…
20.08.2018 | Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Ukraine
The summer with warm days and warm nights is behind us, but fall is approaching with rain and wind storms, and in many countries of former Soviet Union – freezing temperatures and snow. We are receiving requests for help in a project called “Warmth for the widow”. Due to financial hardships in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Nagorno-Karabakh,…
7.08.2018 | Kazakhstan
With your help, we were able to complete “Meat Aid” or “Chicks” project for Evangelical Baptist Churches in countries of former Soviet Union. The goal was to help widows and low income families to purchase chicks and feed. They can raise the chicks during the summer and there will be meat during the winter. Ninety-five…
11.05.2018 | Kazakhstan
Brothers and sisters! We are asking you to financially support our sister in Christ, Svetlana Magasumova, who lives in Pervomayevka, Amolnskiy county. Last winter her house was damaged by a severe wind storm. The storm destroyed one of the outside walls. Svetlana has been a widow for 10 years, and she is raising four children.…
8.04.2018 | Kazakhstan
We express a big gratitude and a sincere thank you to all who participated in the “Food Basket” project. On Passover in Kazakhstan, more than 170 food baskets were give out in churches to widows and low income families (the cost of one such food packages in $15). Brothers and sisters who received these packages…
11.03.2018 | Kazakhstan
March 11, 2018 was a day of “Compassion for widows and orphans”. A church in the city of Saran, Kazakhstan has 92 widows. Special attention was also given to sisters, whose husbands left them because they became Christians or whose husbands were living with them, but still have not committed their life to Jesus. Beside…